If You've Got a Package to Deliver, Send It Services Can Deliver It

If You've Got a Package to Deliver, Send It Services Can Deliver It

A package delivery company serving Fort Collins, CO and surrounding areas

Expedited shipping to a nearby city doesn't have to cost a fortune. Send It Services will deliver your parcel within your budget and without delay. We often make short-distance deliveries in the Fort Collins, CO area in hours.

Our package delivery company is equipped to ship small and large items, including...

  • Care packages
  • Personal letters
  • Birthday or holiday gifts
  • Household items and décor
  • Medical and government documents

We make short-distance deliveries for residents and small business owners. Call 970-556-3870 now to learn more.

Where is your parcel going?

Send It Services can pick up and deliver your parcel between Fort Collins, CO and Loveland, Greeley or Windsor. You'll appreciate our prompt, professional and courteous services.

Contact our package delivery company now to arrange for a short-distance delivery.